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Acme Uninstaller

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How to uninstall Android from your TouchPad
by Ryan St. Andrie on 4/13/2012 |Filed Under: How To;Tags: touchpad, HP TouchPad, android, CyanogenMod, Android on TouchPad, dual-boot, Ice Cream Sandwich, CyanogenMod 9, ICS, CM9 |21 comments

Last week we showed you how to install CyanogenMod 9 Android on your TouchPad. So maybe you've made that half-jump, or maybe you're sitting on the fence, but you want to know how to undo it. You don't like Android, or you don't like the space it takes up. That's cool, we get it. So, just as we put up that guide in the spirit of letting you do what you want to do with your TouchPad, we're going to keep helping you out and show you how to eradicate Android from your device.


If you're reading this guide, chances are you've already looked at what you'll need to install Android 4.0 through the CyanogenMod 9 project. The good news here is that the uninstall process works in a similar manner using almost the same toolset. There's just one extra thing that you'll need to download, and it's the ACME Uninstaller.

  • ACME Uninstaller (RootzWiki)

ACME Labs Software. ACME Labs is proud to make available a variety of software, all free, some trivial, some massive, all high-quality. ACME-brand Unix software: ablog, a simple personal weblog maker. Acmechat, interface to ACME News chat. Bigcal, make a 78-column version of the output of the 'cal' command. Uninstall Acme.PCHButton related programs from Control Panel We recommend you to check list of installed programs and search for Acme.PCHButton entry or other unknown and suspicious programs. Below are instructions for different version if Windows. Issuer Certificate CertificateRequest ACME Orders and Challenges Webhook CA Injector Project Maturity; Installation; Kubernetes OpenShift. Upgrading; v1.0 to v1.1 v0.16 to v1.0 v0.15 to v0.16 v0.14 to v0.15 v0.13 to v0.14 v0.12 to v0.13 v0.11 to v0.12 v0.10 to v0.11 v0.9 to v0.10 v0.8 to v0.9 v0.7 to v0.8 v0.6 to v0.7 v0.5 to v0.6 v0.4 to v0.5.

Once the file is downloaded you will need to unzip it to the proper location much like you did with the ACME Installer when you installed CM9. This can be accomplished by taking the ACME Uninstaller file and unzipping it (if zipped) to where Novacom is installed. Windows users can expect to find Novacom under C:Program FilesPalm, Inc or C:Program FilesHP webOS. Mac users can get to where they need to go by opening Finer's Go menu, selecting Go To Folder… and entering /opt/nova/bin. Once you're in the appropriate folder you should see files/folders named nocavom and novacomd (and possibly others). Copy the unzipped ACMEUninstaller file into this folder.


With the ACME Uninstaller in place, all that is left to do is wipe Android from your TouchPad. This process is almost identical to the same way you installed Android on your device, so this should all seem very familiar. The first step is to put your TouchPad into Recovery Mode. To do this, shut down the TouchPad (hold down the power button and select Shut Down) and restart it while holding down the power and volume up buttons until the USB symbol appears on the TouchPad's screen. Plug your USB cable into the TouchPad and your computer. If your computer needs to install the proper drivers, it'll say so (it shouldn't take much longer than a minute or two to install the drivers).

Now it's time to jump into Command Prompt or Terminal on your computer.

Mac: Open Terminal (Applications > Utilities > Terminal). Once the Terminal window is open, type (without quotes) 'cd /opt/nova/bin' and hit enter.

A new line will appear with 'bin' inserted between your computer name and username. Type (sans quotes) './novacom boot mem:// < ACMEUninstaller' and hit enter.

PC: Open Command Prompt by going to the Start Menu and typing 'cmd' into the search box. Once the Command Prompt window is open, type (without quotes) 'cd c:Program FilesPalm, Inc' (substitute Palm, Inc for HP webOS if necessary) and hit enter.

Acme Uninstaller Hp Touchpad

A new line will appear with c:Program FilesPalm, Inc and a blinking cursor. Type (sans quotes) 'novacom.exe boot mem:// < ACMEUninstaller' and hit enter.

Acme uninstaller

Everybody: Shortly after completing the uninstall command in terminal you will see the double penguin and a lot of lines of code racing across your TouchPad screen. As soon as that finishes your device should reboot to the familiar old HP logo that we have grown so accustomed to.

And done.

Where there were two there now is one. ACME Uninstaller has rid TouchPad of all remnants of Android and nobody is to know the wiser. If you want to be doubly sure that there is nothing left on your TouchPad you can feel free to run the webOS Doctor on your device but that should be unnecessary.

Acme Uninstaller Download Hp Touchpad

In general, clients to ACMEDNS perform registration on the users behalf andinform them of the CNAME entries they must create. This is not possible incert-manager, it is a non-interactive system. Registration must be carried outbeforehand and the resulting credentials JSON uploaded to the cluster as aSecret. In this example, we use curl and the API endpoints directly.Information about setting up and configuring ACMEDNS is available on theACMEDNS project page.

Acmeuninstaller zip
  1. First, register with the ACMEDNS server, in this example, there is onerunning at

curl -X POST will return a JSON withcredentials for your registration:

It is strongly recommended to restrict the update endpoint to the IP range of your pods.This is done at registration time as follows:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{'allowfrom': ['']}'

Make sure to update the allowfrom field to match your cluster configuration. The JSON will now look like

  1. Save this JSON to a file with the key as your domain. You can specifymultiple domains with the same credentials if you like. In our example, thereturned credentials can be used to verify ownership of and

  2. Next, update your primary DNS server with the CNAME record that will tell theverifier how to locate the challenge TXT record. This is obtained from thefulldomain field in the registration:

Note: that the 'name' of the record always has the _acme-challengesubdomain, and the 'value' of the record matches exactly the fulldomainfield from registration.

At verification time, the domain name will be a TXTrecord that is set to your validation token. When the verifier queries, it willbe directed to the correct location by this CNAME record. This proves that you control

Acme Uninstaller

Everybody: Shortly after completing the uninstall command in terminal you will see the double penguin and a lot of lines of code racing across your TouchPad screen. As soon as that finishes your device should reboot to the familiar old HP logo that we have grown so accustomed to.

And done.

Where there were two there now is one. ACME Uninstaller has rid TouchPad of all remnants of Android and nobody is to know the wiser. If you want to be doubly sure that there is nothing left on your TouchPad you can feel free to run the webOS Doctor on your device but that should be unnecessary.

Acme Uninstaller Download Hp Touchpad

In general, clients to ACMEDNS perform registration on the users behalf andinform them of the CNAME entries they must create. This is not possible incert-manager, it is a non-interactive system. Registration must be carried outbeforehand and the resulting credentials JSON uploaded to the cluster as aSecret. In this example, we use curl and the API endpoints directly.Information about setting up and configuring ACMEDNS is available on theACMEDNS project page.

  1. First, register with the ACMEDNS server, in this example, there is onerunning at

curl -X POST will return a JSON withcredentials for your registration:

It is strongly recommended to restrict the update endpoint to the IP range of your pods.This is done at registration time as follows:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{'allowfrom': ['']}'

Make sure to update the allowfrom field to match your cluster configuration. The JSON will now look like

  1. Save this JSON to a file with the key as your domain. You can specifymultiple domains with the same credentials if you like. In our example, thereturned credentials can be used to verify ownership of and

  2. Next, update your primary DNS server with the CNAME record that will tell theverifier how to locate the challenge TXT record. This is obtained from thefulldomain field in the registration:

Note: that the 'name' of the record always has the _acme-challengesubdomain, and the 'value' of the record matches exactly the fulldomainfield from registration.

At verification time, the domain name will be a TXTrecord that is set to your validation token. When the verifier queries, it willbe directed to the correct location by this CNAME record. This proves that you control

Acme Uninstaller Download

  1. Create a secret from the credentials JSON that was saved in step 2, this secret is referencedin the accountSecretRef field of your DNS01 issuer settings.When creating an Issuer both this Issuer and Secret must be in the same namespace.However for a ClusterIssuer (which does not have a namespace) the Secret must be placed inthe same namespace as where the cert-manager pod is running in (in the default setup cert-manager).

Acme Installer

Last modified August 27, 2020: Update examples (4ef7e7f)

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